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Nutrition - Diet, Supplements and How They Help Your Health

Writer: Chad ArterburnChad Arterburn

A well-balanced diet and affinity for all food groups ensure right amounts of much-needed nutrients. However, not all people are blessed with a liking for vegetables or tolerance for milk. There are also people with allergies to nuts and poultry which are excellent sources of protein and good fat. What if you are one of them? How can you be sure that you get proper nutrition without force-feeding yourself broccolis? This is why supplements and nutrition should work together.

Before taking supplements, it would be wise to seek your doctor's advice. After all, you want to be sure to have the proper supplements and nutrition. The wide variety of supplements include multivitamins, protein supplements, minerals, and specialized supplements. Multivitamins are the most prescribed supplements. Regulated and concentrated amounts of essential vitamins are packed in a tablet or gels. Protein supplements are commonly used by people who want to build more muscle such as athletes. Mineral supplements include calcium for bone growth. Dietary supplements and memory enhancers are commonly classified as specialized supplements.

Supplements and nutrition must be complementary. For example, a person who consumes large amounts of carrots and squash need not take a supplement of Vitamin A. This is because too much of Vitamin A can cause a yellow or orange tinge to the skin. Other overdoses on minerals and vitamins can even disrupt normal hormonal function. After all, even too much of a good thing can be hazardous to health.

Hence, a proper supplements and nutrition scheme must be discussed with an experienced professional in order to prevent overdoses or taking unnecessary supplements. The US FDA in recognition of the growing market and need for supplements has taken steps to regulate the production, dosage, and sanitation of supplements. This was done to ensure good-quality products. This move is also partly due to the rising number of unprescribed supplement use among consumers. The agency also stressed the importance of informed use among supplement users. It is not enough to know the name of your supplements. You should know what deficiency it corrects and how it works. Studies show that many uses different supplements whereas tests done to them indicate only a minimal lack which can be corrected by a single kind. Also, despite the supplement rage, doctors and health experts still stand by natural correction of deficiencies by means of a proper diet. They suggest eating alternative sources of nutrients found in allergy-inducing foods. Hey, real food tastes better than capsules anyway.

That being said there are some definite benefits that can be derived from the proper use of vitamin products and nutritional supplements. However, in order to make vitamins and nutritional supplements an effective and appropriate part of an overall health diet program, it is necessary to understand how these products fit within an overall healthy eating regimen.

In reality, before you embark on any diet plan that includes the use of supplements and vitamins it is important for you to obtain and seek medical advice. Each and every year people embark on a diet plan that includes the use of nutritional supplements without first consulting a health care or nutrition specialist. Some of these people end up suffering serious health problems due to a diet plan (which includes supplements) that they embark on without a professional consultation. Of course, in the end, you want to improve your health through the use of nutritional supplements as opposed to causing health problems through the use of such products.

Nutritional supplements (and vitamins) can be utilized as a means of supporting an otherwise healthy eating and exercise program. In simple terms, nutritional supplements can be used to better your overall balanced diet plan on two fronts:

1. Nutritional supplements can be used to fill in some minor nutritional gaps in your overall healthy diet.

2. Nutritional supplements can be used to assist in boosting the effectiveness of your overall healthy diet plan.

As an aside, nutritional supplements can also be utilized to make any companion workout routine more effective. By properly balancing your overall diet, your exercise routine and the proper utilization of nutritional supplements, you will be well on your way to establishing a complete plan for healthy living. Through such a regimented and appropriately crafted program you will enjoy better health and you may be able to add years to your life.

For a better tomorrow,

Coach Chad


At Stand Strong Lifestyles we are committed to your health and wellness success. If you are wanting to improve your health and want to learn more on how we can help you do this, then please reach out to us. We are only an e-mail away from changing your life!



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Greetings! I'm Chad, and welcome to Stand Strong Lifestyles. I'm excited your determination has led you here, providing you the perfect opportunity to elevate your overall well-being

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